



Apple Computer Extender

一款為Macbook pro及Macbook Air蘋果電腦發燒而生,解決為Macbook pro及Macbook Air電腦接口拓展、SSD固態硬盤擴容所存在的不足,支持mini DP 5k視頻輸出、TYPE-C 60w 快充及數據傳輸、SD、TF、USB3.0高速數據傳輸、M.2 sata 2242 1000GB固態硬盤擴容;完美配置外加接口擴展,SDD固態硬盤擴容功能,鉆石切割的設計理念,讓產品不僅性能卓越,更具驚艷奢華。

One was born for the Macbook Pro and Macbook Air Apple computer fever, to solve the shortcomings of the expansion of the Macbook Pro and Macbook Air computer interface, SSD solid state drive expansion, support mini DP 5k video output, TYPE-C 60w fast charge and data transmission , SD, TF, USB3.0 high-speed data transmission, M.2 sata 2242 1000GB solid-state hard disk expansion; perfect configuration plus interface expansion, SDD solid-state hard disk expansion function, diamond cutting design concept, make the product not only excellent performance, but also amazing luxury .

19129588518 設計咨詢



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