


英國高端運動品牌 Flow

FLOW :這款FLOW電動筋膜槍通過高頻震動作用深層肌肉達到減少局部組織張力、緩解疼痛、促進血液循環等作用,以鯊魚仿生設計理念為起點,流線型機身能有效降低噪音,提高性能,搭配英式審美,打造出一種全新的風格,旨在通過仿生設計展現產品專注,強勁,科技的特質,為用戶提供更優的體驗。 

Flow: The flow electric fascia gun can reduce local tissue tension, relieve pain, and promote blood circulation through the action of high-frequency vibration deep muscles. Starting from the shark bionic design concept, the streamlined body can effectively reduce noise and improve performance. Combined with the British aesthetics, a new style is created, which aims to show the professional, strong and technological characteristics of the product through bionic design to provide users with a better experience.

19129588518 設計咨詢



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